Warning of Urban Sprawl…in 1959

Warning of Urban Sprawl…in 1959.

For those of you interested in planning history, here’s a link to a PSA, which is a blast from the past. It reminds me of a combination of Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons and my Planning 101 class.

It’s worth the watch!

Think carefully, though, about the promise of planning embedded in the presentation. Compare it to the promise of contemporary planning ideals: are our hopes for new/green/sustainable urbanism that much different in their naivete than in the postwar period?

About Laura Taylor

I'm an associate professor and graduate planning program coordinator in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University. I am a planning consultant, too. This blog is to share my research on the politics of nature and the negotiation of landscape values in the city and city planning, with a keen interest in the urban-rural fringe and exurbia.
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